Sep 7, 2014

Second Day in Wiesbaden

Our second day in Germany was as beautiful as the first. Of course we slept in, and had a couple of cups of good coffee before we got moving. When we looked out our window, we saw all the tents of the Saturday market spread out on the plaza below. Fortunately, the market stayed open until after we finally emerged about 1:00.  We had a slice of onion cake from this vegan bakery and produce truck.                  We also sampled some vegan pesto from the same vendor. The amazing thing about this market was all the folks roaming around with a glass of wine! Our lunch came from another vendor: a sliced sausage link and french fries with curry sauce!

After taking our fresh flowers back to the apartment, we got in the car, (parked in a deck under the big plaza, or platz), and went to the Trinkhalle, or the German version of Total Beer. They also have bottled water, juices,wine, and 15 varieties of non-alcoholic beer. David had such a hard time choosing, that we brought home a half case with four different ones. Then we drove to the Rhein River, not far away. We ended up in the village of Eltville, and walked through narrow streets to the river's edge. Now THIS is the way to enjoy a scenic river! There was a wine kiosk where you could buy a soda or a glass of wine, and stroll along the shore. It was only ten euros ($13) for three glasses of wine and a sparkling water.

Back at the apartment, John and Elizabeth made a wonderful dinner, and we tasted our new beers. We took one more stroll through the city before bed, and saw the famous hot springs spewing from a fountain. Bad means bath in German, and this town is famous for the springs. There are even hotels built over them, so people can enjoy them in the basement.  There was also a street fest, and we heard German bands singing American covers in English. And always the chiming of the church bells in the background...

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